Google Drive on the Desktop is rolling out

Turned on my laptop this evening to see this bad boy sitting in my inbox!


I checked my Android tablet yesterday and the application seems to be running fine. Time to whip out the devices and check out the user experience as an integrated service. That’s step one, step two is to start hacking away at the Google Drive API Smile


Have fun with all the free storage

— Cheers

Box updates their API to v2

I’ve already highlighted this API in a pervious post, but this is actually more than worthy of a second look. Box has just taken their API up a notch to version 2.0 and may have made many developers very happy.

This week was a pretty big week for cloud storage all around, SkyDrive v2, DropBox Upgrades, the launch of Google Drive … now the Box APIv2. Check out the quick video below if your interested in this stuff.

Box API version 2


Happy Hacking!

— Cheers